11 Unique Jobs That Exist Only In India

    Wanna get paid to cry? Move to Rajasthan. Thank you, Quora!

    1. Dabbawallas in Mumbai.

    2. Rudaalis in Rajasthan.

    3. Ear cleaners.

    These roadside heroes use needles, pincers, and cotton to clean wax and dirt out of their clients' ears.

    4. Teachers who coach students to get them into other coaching classes.

    5. Disabled people who take travelers with them for discounted ticket rates.

    6. Palanquin carriers at Palitana Temples, Gujarat.

    7. Paanwallas.

    8. Baaratis on rent.

    9. Hijras wedding performers.

    10. Human "langurs" in Delhi.

    11. Moneymaking messengers of god.