31 Times "Bojack Horseman" Got Way, Way Too Real

    "I need to go take a shower so I can't tell if I'm crying or not." (Spoiler alert.)

    1. When Diane and Bojack brought the up the frightening pros and cons of being in charge of yourself.

    2. When the show touched upon the question of one's own control over anything that happens in life.

    3. When Princess Carolyn demonstrated what it's like to forego all emotional vulnerability out of fear of making mistakes.

    4. When domestic physical and emotional abuse (and a child's need for escapism) was expressed in this wordless scene.

    5. When Bojack summarized how entertainment distracts us from our biggest issues.

    6. When Herb pointed out the true appeal of vapid sitcoms.

    7. And when "Naomi Watts" tossed this truth bomb at us.

    8. When the show brilliantly addressed how sexual harassment allegations are typically treated in Hollywood.

    9. And further drove the point home by showing how little an impact said allegations can have on the accused.

    10. When this cutaway joke actually cut into you.

    11. When the intro itself featured an emotionally-numb Bojack simply going through the motions of life without actually being present.

    12. And when even the song in the ending credits had the most subtly depressing lyrics ever.

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    By the band Grouplove, which, by the way, is fantastic.

    13. When zero chill was had by Bojack.

    14. When Bojack represented every uninspired artist ever.

    15. When Wanda illustrated the dangers of blindly falling for someone.

    16. When Bojack pointed out that ignorance doesn't serve as an excuse for anything.

    17. When Diane said what we've all thought at one point.

    18. When Bojack displayed our deepest collective insecurity.

    19. When this trippy image said it all.

    20. When Bojack's mother chose these brutal words.

    21. When Princess Carolyn brought to light this little hypocrisy:

    22. When Bojack had a painfully good point.

    23. When the show expertly touched upon how little we question what's going on around us sometimes:

    24. When Bojack's desperate plea for validation from Diane struck a chord with us all.

    25. When a tranquil life with Penny represented a road tragically less traveled by.

    26. When Sebastian St. Clair served as a reminder of the irony of promoting one's own humanitarian work.

    27. When Bojack broke down what people-pleasing is.

    28. When Mr. Peanutbutter's jovial tone conveyed this very grim message:

    29. This. Just this.

    30. When Bojack addressed the difficulty of being optimistic.

    31. And when this scene proved that there is always a glimmer of hope.