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21 Photos Of Awesome Black Widow Cosplay

Scarlett Johansson fills out her Black Widow costume nicely, but she's not alone. Voluptuous women have been dressing, and baring their cleavage, as the Avenger for years.

Mr. Peanut 12 years ago

Jimmy Fallon's SNL Audition Tape

A 24-year-old Jimmy Fallon auditioned for "Saturday Night Live" in 1998. His Adam Sandler impression is probably the highlight. Spoiler alert: Jimmy got the gig.

Mr. Peanut 12 years ago

Watch 56 Episodes Of Star Trek At The Same Time

This 50-minute YouTube clip contains 56 "Star Trek" episodes from the 1966-69 series. Perfect for the multi-tasking Trekkie or geeky housefly.

Mr. Peanut 12 years ago

9 Wonder Woman Covers Featuring Penis-Shaped Objects

Wonder Woman and phallic symbols go together like peanut butter and jelly. Back in the day, while Superman battled Lex Luthor and Batman went toe to toe with The Joker, Wonder Woman faced the dreaded Phallic Symbol. You name it -- bombs, rockets, skyscrapers, even sharks stood in for the male organ. Sometimes she rode them, sometimes she rubbed them and other times they attacked her. But every time they made for great comic book covers -- as long as you enjoy viewing things shaped like male genitalia.

Mr. Peanut 12 years ago