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    10 Other Animals That Deserve Their Own Week

    Shark Week is cool and all, but doesn't Biddy the Hedgehog week sound better? Or Lil Bub Week? Live like it's #BooWeek!

    1. Otis the Corgi, Creating Smiles Everyday

    2. Lil Bub, The Perma-Kitten We All Love

    3. Biddy, the World's Best Traveled Hedgehog

    4. Darwin, the IKEA Monkey

    5. Thelma & Louise, The Two-Headed Turtle to Rock Our World

    6. Tuna, the Chiweenie Who Melts Our Heart

    7. Eddie, The Basketball Playing Otter

    8. Hamlet, the Oatmeal Loving Pig

    9. Boo, the Pomeranian We Love to Snuggle With

    10. Grumpy Cat, The Best Cat Meme We Ever Wished For