21 Upsetting Issues Only People With Texture-Changing Hair Will Understand

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is hot hair tools.

    Are you fucking done with having hair that randomly changes texture?

    You are one of many who suffer from Spontaneous Bitchass Hair Transformation Syndrome.

    1. You're used to being told stuff like this.

    2. You can never be sure if your bangs are cut right because you could wake up with different hair the next morning.

    3. Seriously, you could have a thinned out straight fringe after a cut...

    4. And channel unintentional Betty Page thick bang realness after a shower.

    5. You're never satisfied with hairstylists because they don't know the story of your life.

    6. You often find yourself having literally two different kinds of hair on both sides of your head.

    7. And then balancing everything out by curling or straightening the less appealing side.

    8. Oh, and did you know that you will have the most glorious hair day when you have to meet NOBODY?

    9. Let's not even talk about taking photos during major weather changes.

    10. Hairstyles are a bitch to handle because a couple of hours into your day, your hair will have an identity crisis.

    11. You've been pushed far enough to have imagined doing this several times.

    12. Going out with styled, voluminous hair.

    13. Coming across a mirror at the club and crying inside.

    14. Way too much effort goes into your hair to behave for special occasions.

    15. Anti-frizz serum? LOL good luck.

    16. Hairspray? Not going to help, TBH.

    17. You need to wash it a day in advance when you know there's something to do tomorrow.

    18. And you put in effort, even though perfection only lasts for, like, 2.1 hours.

    19. But these are the moody locks you will have to live with.

    20. You've got to own and rock your wild, straight, curly, frizzy, wavy, moody hair.

    21. So keep on prayin' for that updo to stay in place.