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Women Attempted To Identify Their Vaginas In A Lineup And It Was Awkward

Could you recognize yours? WARNING: Sketched vaginas ahead.

Let's be real, us ladies don't spend too much time looking, and I mean looking, at our privates. We had a sketch artist come in and draw women's vaginas by the way they described them. They then had to identify their sketch in a lineup.

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So, the women were set to look at their lady parts and describe them to a professional portrait artist, but they were, naturally, pretty nervous beforehand.

Mirror in hand, the women one-by-one attempted to tell the artist each and every detail... but it was a little awkward at first.

Then, after a few minutes, they really got into the nitty gritty of their vaginas.

After every woman had finished their ~session~, each sketch was put in a lineup, and they had to choose which one they thought was theirs.

The whole process took some deliberation, but every vagina had it's own unique ~beauty~.

And more than half of the women identified theirs on the first try!

It turns out, these ladies might have known a little bit more about their bodies than they thought.