We Asked British People To Answer A Few Basic Questions About American History

    They want their tea back, and they definitely don't remember the Alamo.

    We asked the BuzzFeed UK office to answer a few simple questions about American history.

    1. Who was the second president of the United States?

    2. Which was the last state to join the Union?

    3. What happened at the Boston Tea Party?

    Several people thought it was all rather lovely.

    Others were a bit closer...but mostly just mad about all that wasted tea.

    Others thought it was all a dispute over Americans putting sugar in their tea.

    One Brit decided to reject history itself.

    4. What happened at the Battle of the Alamo?

    Sadly, it appears the Alamo has been forgotten. Except for one Brit, who will never forget the Alamo's nearby Fuddruckers.

    5. Finally, the Brits were asked: Who’s this?

    Some thought he must be related to one of us.

    Some were *nearly* right.

    And some were too turned on to even care.

    Sorry, America.