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  • Best of Australia 2015 badge

18 Australian Babies Who Were The Absolute Cutest In 2015

Seriously, try and find something more adorable than these tiny humans.

1. Sonny Foster-Blake

2. Tristan and Sasha Hemsworth

3. Zion Rain Clark

4. Van Gleave

5. Violet Miziner

6. Rocket Zot Worthington

7. Aleeia Anasta

8. Phoenix Emmanuel Sursok-McEwan

9. Evie Walker

10. Nate Alexander Inglis

11. Maggie Kruger McPherson

12. Remi Ryan

13. Hunter Curtis

14. Azura Trésor Minichiello

15. Bodhi Rain Webber

16. Archer Jones Sebastian

17. River Alan Thomas Hampson

18. William David Campbell and Elizabeth Ann Campbell

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