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Feline Butcher's 5 Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Cellulite and summer. Those are two words that don't go well together. So Feline Kondula Butcher has graciously given us 5 tips to naturally give orange peel the old heave-ho!

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Feline Butcher Lowers Cholesterol Without Statins In Ten Easy Ways

If you take statins to lower your cholesterol, you might want to reconsider and opt for a more organic approach. New medical guidelines are forcing people to take statins even with mild cholesterol problems. Feline Kondula Butcher believes hammering down on cholesterol with lifestyle changes can give more satisfying and lasting results. Here's her ten easy ways to lower cholesterol naturally.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Feline Butcher Relieves PMS Symptoms With Four Super Foods And A CrampTini.

Women were born to believe that they have to suffer through premenstrual syndrome. Fatigue, irritability, stomach cramps and breast tenderness are all tell tale signs your period is due. So, Feline Butcher has found some ways to bring us some much welcomed relief.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Feline Butcher Gives 5 Facts To Eat Turkey All Year Round

Turkey has so many wonderful health benefits that it is a shame that we gobble down this bird maybe once or twice a year. If you are just clearing your Thanksgiving dishes and starting to think what to prepare for Christmas, Feline Kondula Butcher suggests another turkey feast.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Feline Butcher Unravels The Five Best Benefits Of Vitamin D

A question on everybody's mind is, "Am I getting enough vitamin D?" Not getting enough means your body is not absorbing the calcium and phosphorous it needs to maintain a healthy weight, immune system and lowers our risk of heart attack, cancer and arthritis.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Feline Butcher Uncovers The Five Benefits Of Avocado

Avocados are commonly consumed in guacamole or a Californian roll, but are generally a very underrated vegetable for a lot of Americans. Many countries add avocado to sandwiches, salads, side dishes and even milkshakes. Mmmmmmm.... sounds a bit yucky, but you never know till you try it.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Feline Exposes The Top Five Foods For Gorgeous Skin

Feline Butcher is distressed to see the amount of people spending loads of money on products that promise to make your skin radiate. When all it really comes down to is the foods we eat. Feline Kondula Butcher gives us the top five foods that let the fountain of youth flow and won't break the bank.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Feline Butcher Reveals The Best (#of Diets) For You.

Many people who are eating the wrong foods experience severe food intolerances such as bloating and stomach cramps. Nowadays, food is mass produced to meet the demands of an overpopulated world; therefore sometimes a simple solution of switching to organic from factory-farmed foods is the answer instead of becoming a full-fledged vegetarian. Feline Butcher understands that foods affect us physically, mentally and emotionally. Below is an analysis of the most popular eating styles around.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Five Summer Nutrition Foods By Feline Butcher

Summer has a lot of readily available and healthy foods around to increase vitamin and mineral intake. Feline Kondula Butcher explains five summer foods that are easy to find, ideal for our health and won't cost the earth to buy.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Avoid Dehydration In Five Easy Steps

Since our body is made of 75% water it is important to constantly rehydrate the body when that water is lost. Feline Butcher has some great tips to prevent dehydration, while you enjoy the great outdoors this summer.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

6 Easy And Healthy Meals For Summer!

The mercury is rising and the last thing you want to do is go next to the stove. The kids are passing out with hunger and your husband is eyeing you up like a succulent chicken. So, you know it would be best if you get cracking on the family meals. Here are a few ideas to get you into the summer cooking, without having to heat up the house and go for expensive as well as unhealthy take out.

FelineButcher 10 years ago

The Juicy Benefits Of Watermelon

Summer is here and along with the heat and finding something for the kids to do to keep them occupied, there is all the luscious summer fruit available. Particularly, the abundance of watermelons can be found everywhere and offer many health benefits.Here are the top six reasons you should stock up on watermelons this summer:

FelineButcher 10 years ago

Nutrition And Stress

Understand the importance of nutrition and reducing stress.

FelineButcher 11 years ago