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15 Things I Learned About Canada After Spending 80 Hours In Toronto

Obviously I am now an expert on all things Canadian.

1. Canada is frickin' freezing.

2. But no one seems to notice.

3. Despite the dismal, soul-crushing weather, everyone in Canada is nice.

4. Everyone has a beard.

5. They have full conversations only using the word "Sorry." (Read: "Sore-ee").

6. If there were ever Eye Contact Olympics, Canada would be the China of those games.

7. All Canadian citizens walk around with an encyclopedic knowledge of every notable Canadian ever born.

It's ok, you can stop listing them. You had me after "Neil Young."

8. They aren't great at geography, which is a huuuge relief for us Americans.

9. Despite actively seeking one, I never found a liquor store.

10. Smoke's Poutinerie has the best poutine in all of Canada.

According to the drunk people who enthusiastically directed me there at 1 am. (Apparently they found the mythical liquor store).

11. They actually speak French.

12. The city of Toronto is impeccably clean.

13. They're very good at drawing maple leaves.

14. Canadians are not nearly as embarrassed of Justin Bieber as we are.

15. It seems like a pretty rad place to grow up.