Where The Actual Hell Is Ryan Gosling?

    This is an urgent situation, people.

    STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING IMMEDIATELY. Because we have a very serious situation on our hands.

    And that very, very serious situation is that THIS MAN, Ryan Gosling, has not been seen for nearly FOUR MONTHS.

    This is the last known sighting of Ryan, looking arguably more perfect and divine than ever, on 20 May 2014.

    Christ alive, seriously, just look at those eyes and those lips and that facial hair and the fact he's ACTUALLY smouldering.

    Want to look at him from every angle? This can be arranged.

    Brb, dying.

    So yeah, anyway, back to the important matter at hand. Ryan Gosling has not been photographed since this appearance. And, frankly, we're not coping well.

    It's been three months since we saw him sexily squinting.

    Three months since we saw him do this ridiculously hot sideways smile that actually STIRS THINGS IN OUR SOUL.

    Three months since he walked in exactly the same way he'd walk out of the church following our wedding.

    It's been so long since we saw this image of supreme hotness. Ryan Gosling wearing a suit.

    Too long since he adjusted his tie.

    Too long since he wore white trousers.

    Certainly too long since he's sat like this and Oh My God, where to look.

    Too long since he's basically just stood and pointed at something.

    Too long since he gazed thoughtfully and beautifully off into the distance.

    Too long since THIS happened.

    Too long since he took his damn clothes off.

    A search party needs to be called immediately.

    Together we can locate him.

    And if you find him, return him to us. Where he belongs.