Makeovers Britney Should've Given Iggy In The "Pretty Girls" Video


    In the latest iconic music video from Britney Spears, "busy" Iggy's Make-A-Wish comes true when Britney transforms her into a fierce, crimped hair pretty girl.

    Although Iggy looks just so prett-ay, Britney could've enhanced her look by giving her...

    1. The "Crying Selena Gomez" look:

    2. The "Kylie Jenner Lip Filler" look:

    3. The "Venti Caramel Frappuccino" look:

    4. The "Buy Artpop On iTunes" look:

    5. The "Dadbod" look:

    6. The "Cheetos Puff" look:

    7. The "Vanilla Candle" look:

    8. The "Christina on Nashville" look:

    9. Or the "TBT Britney" look:

    In case Xtina has been blocking your internet connection from watching it, here's the full "Pretty Girls" video:

    View this video on YouTube

    Britney Spears: Slaying your faves since 1999.