Amazing Works Of Art

    There are some absolutely FANTASTIC DeviantART users and here are some of there creations. Note: These are all Traditional Artworks. Note: I credit the artist on the link under the photo. Please check them out!

    Jake Gyllenhaal - shad0wz0ne

    Scratchboard wolf - rah-bop

    The One Ring - Kinko-White

    Russell Crowe - SosiNonoo

    Natural aquarium - fabianoMillani

    oil painting on canvas by fabiano millani - fabianoMillani

    Franco, quite frankly - Spectrum-VII

    Jesus of Nazareth - shimoda7

    THE HOBBIT (whole vision) - yinyuming

    MILLA JOVOVICH - Tunaferit

    Troubled Waters - jbeau3d

    Hold Yourself Together- genni

    Impatience - IleanaHunter

    -Luminous - - Raipun

    non parlarne mai - agnes-cecile

    Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) - iSaBeL-MR

    Ewan McGregor - shad0wz0ne

    David Beckham - Draw Again - A-D-I--N-U-G-R-O-H-O

    Dog - oazen2008

    Ballpoint Pen - Tom Hiddleston - kleinmeli

    The Avengers - FromPencil2Paper

    Loki II - alicexz

    Quick eye drawing - Sin--Nombre

    Eye Practice - 13 Year Old's (Continued) - miamary123456 *This is mine. This isn't amazing at all (just to let you know) but just wanted to show you guys mine.

    This concludes the list. I know there are many more amazing artists on DeviantART but some of them don't allow any downloads for their artwork which I respect.