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22 Things Women Should Never Be Ashamed Of

Shame shouldn't be a part of your game.

1. "Splurging" on dessert.

2. Showing off your body.

3. Not working out.

4. Not wanting to have sex.

5. Or wanting to have lots of sex.

6. Embracing being a woman and your femininity.

7. Hair in general.

8. Speaking your mind.

9. Focusing on your family rather than your career.

10. Focusing on your career rather than raising a family.

11. Being naturally skinny or naturally curvy.

12. Being a feminist.

13. Going without makeup.

14. Your post-pregnancy body.

15. Breast-feeding.

16. Wanting a say in what happens to your body.

17. Being emotional.

18. Treating yourself every once in a while.

19. The amount of people you have or have not slept with.

20. Asking for a raise.

21. Texting someone first or asking someone out.

22. Having confidence and feeling beautiful.