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F@#$ Yeah!

F@#$ Yeah!

9 Tweets That Break Twitter

You can do a lot with 140 characters. Let's turn Twitter into MySpace, circa 2005.

The War On Men: 7 Crazy Pieces Of Real Legislation

In response to the anti-abortion and anti-contraception bills floating around in state legislatures all over the country, some lawmakers are introducing bills in protest of the legislation. Here are the craziest.

Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer Break Down

The trailer for the new Doctor Who series, coming fall 2012, arrived online today. Here is a break down for fans of the show and anyone who's pause button is broke on their Youtube.

Geeky HTML Earrings

These sterling silver earrings are the perfect gift for the web designer in your life. Also, they are immensely useful for keeping your brains intact. Leaky brain puddles are why you should always close your tags, people.

Jonathan And Charlotte: Amazing Britain's Got Talent Audition

You wont believe the sound coming out of this young man. [Ed. note: Not to give away the game here, but this is the latest in a "awkward ugly duckling with a good voice 'surprises' the shit out of Simon Cowell" scenario that has really been working out for them since Paul Potts actually did surprise us all in 2007. Somehow it still totally works.]

Would You Give Him Change?

This undercover cop is using a less then conventional technique to stop people from talking on their cell phone while driving.

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