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17 People Whose Lives Went Downhill Fast

Having a rough day? At least you're not one of these people.

1. This woman:

2. YouTube user za0000222:

3. The guy who had to peel his sticker family off his minivan after the divorce:

4. Anyone who confides in Walmart:

5. People who buy themselves these cards:

6. This girl eating chocolate alone in her car:

7. This incredulous stabbing victim:

8. Matt, and his stupid goatee:

9. People who are driven to self-harm by blob fish:

10. Anyone who gets a Zune tattoo covered up with a Dick Cheney tattoo:

11. Anyone just trying to make a living:

12. People who fight about Kool-Aid:

13. This procrastinator:

14. Khloe Kardashian:

15. Anyone who complains about their boss on Facebook:

16. Flavor Flav:

17. People who are friends with their girlfriend's parents on Facebook: