19 Reasons To Be Psyched About Michael Che Coming To "Weekend Update"

    Basically: He's really, really funny.

    SNL has announced that comedian and writer Michael Che will take over as co-anchor on "Weekend Update" in this upcoming season, and for everyone who loves funny things, this is VERY GOOD NEWS.

    Why, you ask? Let us tell you.

    1. First off, he's been killing it on the stand-up circuit since 2009.

    2. Forcing us to face the truth about our favs.

    3. Failing to relate to the youths.

    4. Confronting prejudice head on.

    5. (Seriously, watch him talk about his visit to Tennessee in this set from Splitsider's A Night At The Whiplash.)


    6. His take on gentrification puts every other insight to shame.

    7. He's not afraid of bringing in his personal experience from the Lower East Side — bodega culture included.

    8. (Again, see for yourself.)

    View this video on YouTube


    9. He's been an actual treasure on The Daily Show, like when he forced anti-immigration activist Jim Gilchrist to think twice about what he was saying.

    10. Or when he discussed the Dos and Don'ts of the Second Amendment with Jordan Klepper.

    11. Or when he figured out the safest option for black men in America.

    12. If you don't follow him on Twitter, you're missing out.

    they should make a show about rich white women.

    13. He's blunt.

    im on a new diet called the dont eat that much diet. you can have whatever you want, just not that much. then i do a workout called exercise

    14. He's forthright about possibly controversial opinions.

    culture gets shared. thats just the way it is. you can say "bae", & i can say "stoked". i probably wont, but i can.

    15. He knows the exact right way to use social media.

    i dont know if girls know this or not, but when u like my instagram pics, ur basically asking me out.

    16. And he's always keeping tabs on his haters.

    17. His Comedy Central special proved that he really ~gets~ the struggle.

    18. Plus, he's been flaunting his chops as an SNL writer for the past year.

    And now he gets to bring all of that to the "Weekend Update" desk!

    19. Somebody should inform his seventh-grade teacher Miss Conroy.