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    24 Times "The Office" Was Just Too Much To Handle

    "Tomorrow I can tell you what a great boss you turned out to be... Best boss I ever had."

    1. When Jim put aside his differences with Dwight to comfort him about Angela, because he knew he needed a friend.

    2. When Michael taught Jim to never, ever give up, and the rest became history.

    3. When Michael was the only one to show up to Pam's art show, and you could tell how much it meant to her.

    4. When Jim put everything on the line with Pam, and it crushed both of them.


    5. But then this happened, and it gave us so much hope.

    6. When Kevin won back the Dunder Mifflin parking spaces. It was only a tiny victory, but it meant so much to him.

    7. When Pam was a total badass on beach day, and ran over hot coals before telling Jim, completely honestly, how she felt.

    8. And when, finally, Jim asked Pam out at the most unexpected moment, and her face was everything.

    9. When Jim somehow made a proposal at a gas station in the rain the most romantic moment ever.

    10. And then they shared this kiss, which was so similar to the one they'd shared in the office all those seasons back.

    11. When a little girl made Michael realise that he didn't get to realise his childhood dreams.

    Which makes us so much happier that eventually, he did get everything he ever wanted.

    12. When Erin and Andy kissed for the first time and it was completely adorable.


    And they did it on top of a landfill site, proving again that The Office can make literally any setting romantic.

    13. When Dwight proposed to Angela in the most Dwight way imaginable.


    14. When Jim found out that Pam was pregnant, and his face did this.

    15. When Andy took control of his own fate and decided to go to Florida to get Erin.


    And they finally got back together.

    16. When Michael proposed to Holly in the office, because where else could Michael Scott propose, and then the sprinklers came on and it was both hilarious and beautiful.


    17. Everything about Jim and Pam's wedding, from the moment he cut his own tie in half to make her feel better about her veil.


    The camera thing is too cute.

    18. To Jim revealing his plans A and B.

    19. And of course, the actual moment on the boat, and ~that~ Jim look to camera.

    20. When Dwight was still angry a Michael, until he got to the end of the letter of recommendation he left him.

    21. And when Jim and Michael said their goodbyes, and it was heartbreakingly perfect.

    22. When Pam managed to beat Jim at gift giving. Hands down.


    23. When she saw the silver lining in her parents splitting up.

    24. And finally, when Jim saved the prank of all pranks until the very end.