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19 Things People Who Have Trouble Sleeping Know To Be True

NO SLEEP TIL... right before you need to wake up.

1. You can go to bed perfectly calm, but the minute you pull on those covers, ANXIETY WILL HIT.

2. If there is any light shining anywhere on the planet, it will keep you from falling asleep.

3. ... Although, oddly, you can fall asleep on the couch in broad daylight without a problem.

4. "Do I have to pee?" is a question that will reverberate through your brain as soon as you are close to getting comfortable.

5. You know NOTHING hinders sleep more than barely audible, repetitive noises, like a dripping faucet.

6. And if there's a clock anywhere near you, you will hear it and it will haunt you.

7. Any wrinkle in your pajamas or sheets will drive you insane.

8. In the dark, everything in your room is potentially a monster.

9. ... And every creak and squeak is probably a serial killer breaking in.

10. You will try to count sheep to help you fall asleep, and then you will stay up two and a half hours thinking about sheep.

11. At some point, while slightly delirious, you will have a great idea. And you will forget it the moment you wake up.

12. ... Or you'll revisit the idea in the daytime and realize it was actually super stupid.

13. If it's summer, you will spend roughly half the night thinking about bugs.

14. Your brain will think that 4:53 a.m. is the ideal time to get a song stuck in your head.

15. You might try to go online until you get sleep, and the next thing you know it's 5 a.m. and you're reblogging memes you don't even understand.

16. You will inevitably feel burning hot and utterly freezing at the same time.

17. You will make lists and lists of things to do the next day, and not do any of them.

18. ... Which, in turn, will result in you worrying at night about all the things you did not do.

And after all that tossing and turning and stressing and monster fighting, you will finally go to sleep...

19. ... Only to reach Perfect Sleep Mode approximately 45 minutes before you have to wake up.