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    21 Literary Temporary Tattoos Every Book Lover Needs

    Wear your love of literature on your (temporary) sleeve.

    Remember Litographs? The company responsible for printing entire books on clothes and attempting to create the world's longest temporary tattoo chain?

    They've just launched a full line of literary temporary tattoos, available now.

    1. Hamlet

    2. Peter Pan

    3. Pride and Prejudice

    4. Walden

    5. Treasure Island

    6. The Call of the Wild

    7. The Importance of Being Earnest

    8. The Metamorphosis

    9. Siddhartha

    10. Ulysses

    11. Henry VI

    12. Robin Hood

    13. The Time Machine

    14. Through the Looking Glass

    15. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

    16. Sherlock Holmes

    17. Frankenstein

    18. Moby Dick

    19. The Last Unicorn

    20. The Origin of Species

    21. The Wizard of Oz

    As for that tattoo chain, which aims to temporarily print the full text of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland on 2,500 people...

    It's coming along great.