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    21 Things You Probably Shouldn't Craft With

    Even DIY can have its limits, and those limits are somewhere south of condoms and granola bar wrappers.

    1. Condoms

    2. Granola Bar Wrappers

    3. Tampons

    4. Weed

    5. Live Turtles' Shells

    6. Real Dead Moths

    7. Real Dead Bees

    8. PBR Cans

    9. Red Bull Cans

    10. Human Teeth

    11. Diapers

    12. Real Human Hair

    13. Toilet Paper

    14. Toilet Seats

    15. Actual Blood

    16. Unicorn Meat

    17. Unicorn Poop

    18. Doll Heads

    19. Belly Button Lint

    20. Books

    21. And the ultimate please-just-leave-this-one-to-the-professionals-or-maybe-nobody-at-all craft medium: Squirrel Scrotums