This Kid's Description Of Meeting Oscar Isaac Will Give You Literal Heart Eyes


    Jacob Tremblay is a nine-year-old actor who gave a very critically-acclaimed performance in one of this year's Oscar contenders, Room.

    Oscar Isaac, who already has an Oscar if you think about it, is a 36-year-old who's been around Hollywood for a while but who's really wowing the masses in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    Together, they are a buddy comedy I would pay to see.

    See, Jacob's a huge fan of Star Wars, and as Jacob told Jimmy Kimmel, he got to meet Oscar recently and ask him all about what it's like to be Poe Dameron.

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    Jacob surprised Oscar by pulling a lightsaber out from behind his back.

    And when Jacob asked him what it was like to be turned into an action figure, Oscar (of course) had a very charming response.


    My heart will need a long time to recover from this whole ordeal.