A Ranking Of International Typed Laughter

    "Jajajaja," "hahahahah," or "hhhhhhhh." Which will reign supreme?

    12. "hahahahaha" and "hehehehehe" — English and other languages

    11. "hihihihihihihihi" — Vietnamese (and other languages)

    10. "55555555555"Thai

    9. "wwww" — Japanese

    8. "חחח/ההה" (khkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkh) — Hebrew

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    How it works: The letter "ח" is prounced "kh." Some sources also render it as "xaxaxa."

    So I obviously don’t have an immediate reaction to the Hebrew letter itself as I can’t read Hebrew, but I’m totally geeked that "khkhkh" is basically the phonetic description of how Mr. T laughs. Take a gander; it’s undeniable right?

    7. "xaxaxaxa" — Greek

    6. "wakakakakaka" or "wkwkwkwkwk" — Indonesia

    5. "huehuehue" — Brazillian Portuguese

    4. "kekekekekekeke" - Korean

    3. “rsrsrs,” “hashuashuashuashua,” “rá!,” and “kkkkk” — Portuguese

    2. "هههههههههههه" or "hhhhhhhhhhhh" — Arabic, also used in Kurdish

    1. "jajajajajaja" — Spanish