This Guy Used Snapchat To Draw A Dick A Day For A Year And It's Glorious

    That's 365 days of dick. NSFW because, well, dick drawings.

    After watching this video where a woman challenged her husband to draw a dick a day for a year, Dominic Intagliata was inspired to do the same. Follow his shenanigans on Twitter @aDickaDay for more!

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    First, he went with classic cartoon characters.

    Then he reimagined the animal kingdom.

    And repurposed some everyday activities.

    He made sure to cover all the holidays...

    And threw some great pop culture references in the mix.

    He dick-a-fied some iconic movies...

    And superheroes...

    Characters we all know and love...

    And OMG Star Wars!

    He updated some recognizable logos...

    And made it so you'll never look at a Snickers or the Pillsbury doughboy the same way again...

    He transformed some of your childhood toys and games...

    And added more dick to some of life's most beautiful moments.

    But most of all, he made art. 365 pieces of art to be memorialized forever. Bravo!