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Ryan Highlights "Cheesehead Domination"

On Wisconsin!

TAMPA — Hours before he is set to accept the vice presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention, Paul Ryan swung by his home state delegation's "beer and brats bash" just outside the security perimeter.

Appearing on stage with his wife in a massive tent that is hosting such names as Trace Adkins, Kid Rock and Journey, Ryan celebrated his state's takeover of the national political discourse.

"It really is a story of cheesehead domination," he said in his brief remarks after Wisconsin Lieutenant Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch introduced him.

Listing off the who's who from Wisconsin, including Gov. Scott Walker, RNC Chair Reince Priebus, and Senate candidate Tommy Thompson, he quipped, "and Miss America is from Wisconsin, go figure."

"Have a beer on us," Ryan shouted after his two-minute remarks, adding "Go Packers!" as he walked off stage.

Earlier Ryan walked through the Tampa Bay Times forum to prepare for his speech tonight, testing out the microphone and adjusting the teleprompters.

Ryan's three kids joined he and his wife on stage, where they practiced waving for the cameras. Ryan recounted hanging out with Kid Rock, "He goes by 'Bobby," Ryan said.