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Christie Heckles Occupy Wall Street Protesters

"Somebody's going down tonight, but it ain't going to be jobs, sweetheart."

EXETER, New Hampshire—New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wasn't going to allow Occupy Wall Street protesters to heckle his speech in support of Mitt Romney here, instead he fired back.

As they shouted "Christie Kills Jobs" he shouted over them, saying "Really?"

He added that Mitt Romney was correct that the protesters have the right to protest, but had a message of his own to share with them

"Somebody's going down tonight, but it ain't going to be jobs, sweetheart," he said.

It's unclear whether he meant that the protesters would be arrested, something more violent, or something else entirely.

Earlier, Romney said Christie would tell the audience "how we win this election New Jersey style."

The protesters were escorted out by Romney security as well as local police officers. It wasn't immediately clear whether they had been arrested.