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Cardinal Dolan Digs Democrats On Abortion Stance

"Those waiting to be born..." In closing benediction at the Democratic National Convention, New York's top Catholic chides Democrats.


Cardinal Timothy Dolan, a leading social conservative figure, pointedly prayed for the "unborn" in a blessing to end the Democratic National Convention yesterday, citing the question of "life, without which no other rights are secured."

The line from the Cardinal — also a leading campaigner against same-sex marriage which he alluded to as well — struck a discordant note at a convention dominated by commitments to abortion rights.

Leading abortion-rights and women's health groups declined to comment on Dolan's words: Spokespeople for Planned Parenthood, Naral Pro-Choice America, and Emily's List did not respond to inquiries about Dolan's prayer.

This post originally said Cardinal Dolan didn't mention marriage in his prayer, but he did. The current version is correct.