23 Undeniable Signs Your Life Revolves Around Fandoms

    So many fandoms, so little time.

    1. You spend more time thinking about your fandoms than your actual life.

    2. And you try to bring your fandoms and real life together by begging your friends to join you.

    3. Then if they show any interest at all, you immediately pounce on them.

    4. Every time you join a fandom you follow 10 new blogs, which means you now follow hundreds of Tumblr blogs.

    5. You’ve probably dedicated a blog to at least one of your fandoms.

    6. You constantly try and fail to make references with your friends.

    7. And you have a small freak out when you overhear other people talking about your fandoms.

    8. You have definitely made real friends over the Internet through fandom.

    9. You ship so many couples that OTP has lost it’s meaning.

    10. But you do have that ONE pairing that will always have a special place in your heart.

    11. You’ve even paired couples using characters from different fandoms.

    12. There's really no difference between looking in your closet and walking into Hot Topic.

    13. And your room is filled with paraphernalia from all your fandoms.

    14. You are the adopted parent of so many fictional characters.

    15. Halloween costume ideas are never an issue for you.

    16. You always struggle to pick just one fandom to represent at conventions.

    17. You're a veteran of hard-fought ship wars and fandom arguments.

    18. When someone asks you what TV shows you like, you tell them to settle in for a lecture.

    19. Other people don't understand how you have the time to be investing your soul into so many shows, books, and movies.

    20. You could never pick a favorite, but you go through phases of fandoms you're focused on.

    21. And you feel genuinely lost when your current fandom runs out of canon material.

    22. So you turn to fanfiction to fill the void in your heart.

    23. Because you know it's only a matter of time before your life is consumed by yet another fandom.