25 Signs Your Body Is Ready For Fall

    It's so close you can taste the PSL!

    1. TBH this is how you see the year.

    2. You kinda miss summer but whatever; it's time to get FESTIVE.

    3. All it takes is one cool breeze and a change comes over you.

    4. Your body tingles with anticipation!

    5. You begin to have strange cravings...

    6. Especially for vitamin P, vitamin S, and vitamin L.

    7. You know this craving will soon become a full-blown obsession.

    8. And will quite literally consume you.

    9. You start to crave warmth and comfort from your food.

    10. Your appetite becomes more shall we say...robust?

    11. And substances you would never dream of putting into your body the rest of the year, are suddenly fair game.

    12. You're starting to dress differently.

    13. And why not? Now is your time to dress with some flair!

    14. Haters say you're jumping the gun. Fuck. Them.

    15. The heart knows what it wants.

    16. What it NEEEEEEEDZZZZ


    18. Soon you will bask in the melancholy.

    19. and savor the sweet, sweet sadness of it all!

    20. You know you love it.

    21. So get cozy.

    22. Get cooooomfortable.

    23. Get spooked!

    24. PSL your brains out!

    25. Because the best season of all will be over before you know it. Might as well jump right in!

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