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The 20 Best Vegan Foods I Found In Grocery Stores In 2022

From plant-based mozzarella that melts to veganized chicken wings.

With each passing year that goes by, more and more plant-based options are showing up all around us: in our local coffee shops, in our fast food restaurants, and even in your small-town grocery stores.

Because there are so many exciting new vegan items to try in a year, I rounded up my favorite foods from grocery stores I tried in 2022:

1. Miyoko's Mozzarella

a white bottle of non-dairy mozzarella cheese

2. LikeMeat Chick'n Wings

turquoise bag of chicken wings

3. Siete Foods Grain Free Tortillas

pink bag of grain free tortillas

4. Plant Boss Southwest Meatless Crumbles

purple bag with a taco on it

5. SorBabes Vanilla Caramel Crunch

6. Good Foods Plant Based Queso

plastic tub of plant based queso dip

7. Haven's Kitchen Golden Turmeric Tahini

a plastic pouch of yellow tahini

8. Jack and Annie's Savory Breakfast Jack Sausage

a box with a sausage mcmuffin on it

9. Wicked Kitchen Pesto Sauce

three bottles of pesto in pink, black, and orange

10. Momofuku Soy & Scallion Noodles

noodles with a package of noodles on top of it

11. Tattooed Chef Plant Based Pepperoni Pizza

a box with a pepperoni pziza on it

12. Gotham Greens Green Goddess Dip

a table with fruit and a dip on it

13. Mother Raw Roasted Japanese Dressing

a salad dressing that says 'mother raw'

14. Raised Gluten Free Vegan Pot Pie

a box of a pot pie

15. VFC Chicken Bites

bag of VFC chicken

16. Grounded Foods American Style Cheese Free Cheese Squeeze

a black bag of cheese

17. Maya Kaimal Coconut Korma Sauce

a jar filled with orange sauce

18. From The Ground Up's Everything Cauliflower Crackers

a yellow bag of crackers

19. Abbot's Chopped Chick'n

a box of frozen chicken

20. Nuts For Cheese Black Garlic Cheese

a white triangular box of cheese

Which new vegan products did you try this year? Let me know in the comments below!