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Multiracial People, What Things Are You Sick Of Hearing?

Complete Stranger: "What are you?"

As a mixed-race person, I've learned over the course of basically my whole life that people ask so, so many questions about my race or ethnicity. They don't even have to know me, they can just stroll right up to me and hit me with one.

At this point, I think I've heard most of them. For instance, there's the constant, "What are you?"

Or my personal least favorite, "How'd your parents meet?"

And we can't forget the classic, "Is that your mom / dad / grandma / grandpa / nanny?"

Then, there are the gatekeepers who like to decide what counts as "enough" or if you're "really" that race.

Listen, do I expect people to know these things or not be curious? No. And I'm not really mad. But it doesn't mean that a bunch of multiracial people and I haven't heard these things thousands of times before.

So if you're multiracial, please, tell me what you're sick of hearing! You could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!