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How'd You Break The News That You're Not Coming For Thanksgiving This Year?

We want to know.

Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season are right around the corner — but obviously, a lot of things are different this year.

And if you've made the tough (but necessary!) decision to ditch your usual plans, we'd love to hear about it.

As #COVID19 cases increase rapidly across the United States, the safest way to celebrate the #Thanksgiving holiday is at home with people who live with you. Avoid gatherings with family and friends who do not live with you. See CDC’s guidance: https://t.co/zLzjYg5X6P.

Twitter: @CDCgov

The CDC recommends that you not travel for Thanksgiving this year as COVID cases rapidly rise across the country.

Maybe you've decided not to travel back to your hometown for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Hanukkah — or you're limiting your celebrations to a very small group, mayhaps even celebrating outside, socially-distanced, and wearing a mask when possible (i.e. not shoveling stuffing into your mouth) a la CDC considerations.

If you had to deliver this news to loved ones — like parents or grandparents — who might not have shared your same POV, how did the conversation go? Any advice for anyone who still hasn't broken the news?

Did you go the emotional route? ("I'm devastated, too, Grandma!") Did you let data do the talking? ("The US has cracked a new daily high this week.")

Perhaps you went the ~alternative~ route, offering to try and celebrate virtually!

As a thank you to our customers, we will be lifting the 40-minute limit for all meetings globally from midnight ET on Nov. 26 through 6 a.m. ET on Nov. 27 so your family gatherings don't get cut short. ❤️🏡 #ZoomTogether

Twitter: @zoom_us

Zoom recently announced that it's lifting its 40-minute time limit for free meetings on Thanksgiving Day, so that your celebratory "gatherings don't get cut short."

Either way, tell us about the conversations you had with your loved ones this year about holiday plans.

How'd they react? And what tips do you have for folks who still have to have that conversation? Share below. You could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

And if you're celebrating the holidays differently — as in, trying something new — tell us what your plans are here!