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    14 Cute DIYs To Make An Old Band T-Shirt Cool Again

    How is it that all of your concert t-shirts are, like, XXXXXXL? Here's how to make 'em look great.

    So you love your band tees, but they're too baggy for you to wear out of the house.

    The thing is that buying merch from a band is one of those lovely, rare situations in life that benefits EVERYONE, like a charity car wash or the general existence of nachos. It's great because you're helping support an artist you love, which allows them to keep doing what they're doing. That said, it really sucks to drop $25 on the perfect shirt, then end up relegating it to the pajama drawer because it just doesn't look good on you. Well, NEVER AGAIN. There are solutions in the form of super-easy DIYs that will transform even the biggest, ugliest shirt into something unique and flattering. Best of all? You'll most likely be the only person on Earth to have anything like it.

    1. Resize it.

    2. Make it a skirt.

    3. Make band shirt hot shorts!

    4. Pillows for your (suddenly awesome) bed or couch.

    5. Put them on a concert shirt quilt!

    6. Sew a few of them together in a scarf.

    7. Give it a cool, slouchy boat neck.

    8. Transform this...

    ...into a tube dress!

    9. For those who can't sew, don't worry! You have options too.

    10. Just cut and tie to make this tank.

    11. Here's another great no-sew choice.

    12. Make a tent of a shirt into a form-fitting halter.

    13. Make a too-big band shirt into a purse.

    14. Or just shrink and slash it.

    Happy crafting!

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