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Think You Know Cape Breton? This Is What Islanders Wish Mainland Canadians Knew About Us

Lord tunderin' Jeezus, b'y!

You know all about Cape Bretoners. We’re fun, friendly, and good with a fiddle, right? Not always! This is what Capers wish the rest of Canada knew about us and our island.

1. We aren't all musically gifted.

2. We like some quiet time (really!).

3. Mainland jokes don’t phase us.

4. The Cabot Trail is just the beginning.

5. Speaking of which…make sure you go the right way.

6. Making fun of our accent? Joke’s on you.

7. We’re as confused as you are about “bungalow” cottages.

8. We don’t know your wife’s cousin from Sydney.

9. We love tourists…most of the time.

10. Our pastimes are better than your pastimes.

11. And our desserts are better too.

12. We’ve got bottle blues.

Facebook: CapeBretonsIronBrew / Via Facebook: CapeBretonsIronBrew

Capers have a fondness for the bottle in an unexpected way. For more than a century, Cape Bretoners drank Iron Brew (later packaged as Irn Bru), a brown soft drink with spicy, fruity undertones. Though discontinued for nearly 20 years, the yearning continues.

13. Our roots are deep and diverse.

14. And finally...we’re not all Newfoundlanders who ran out of money on the way to Toronto.

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