19 Things That Are Pretty Much 100% Kosovan And Albanian Culture

    Teaching your friends valle is basically initiating them into our culture.

    1. Mistaking the bottle of raki in the fridge for water.

    2. That awkward pause after you tell someone you've just met where you're from and they've never heard of it.

    3. Your nan's *interesting* remedies for every type of illness.

    4. And let's not forget this little multi-use wonder.

    5. Your parents' ~unique~ terms of endearment.

    #GrowingUpAlbanian your parents will call you more often by an animal name than your real name

    Via Twitter: @SVBRSH

    Some of you have never been called a lopë by your mum and it shows.

    6. That one overly-dramatic aunt.

    7. And those strange customs that nobody seems to question.

    Somehow sneezing in the middle of a conversation is a validation that it's real talk…like putting a 💯 on it. 😂 #GrowingUpAlbanian

    Via Twitter: @RigzSosa

    Shendeti verteti.

    8. Finding it completely normal when your grandad starts slapping watermelons at the supermarket.

    9. Arguing till your dying day that your mum makes the best pite.

    10. Stanning any and every Kosovan and Albanian artist that has made it big.

    11. Not to mention watching Every. Single. Game of football with Kosovan and Albanian players in it.

    12. These were probably your biggest fears growing up.

    13. Spontaneously bursting into valle at every family gathering, however big or small.

    14. And being told that your accent is 'very good' for someone who wasn't born in the UK.

    15. Teaching all your non-Kosovan friends *that* rude phrase.

    16. And teaching them how to dance valle, of course.

    17. Enjoying the best macchiatos ever during summers back home.

    18. Knowing that the conversation's about to get deep when someone brings out these bad boys.

    19. And while everyone else finds their mum's stew in leftover tubs of ice cream, you don't remember an ice cream tub ever entering your household.