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    Five Ways To Maintain Your Pastel Hair Until Your Next Salon Visit

    Achieving the perfect pastel is hard, but keeping it looking good is even harder. Here are five ways to keep you candy colored hair looking fresh until your next visit to the salon.

    Unless you haven't had access to television or wifi all year (and if that is the case, my heart goes out to you) then you're aware that pastel hair is having a major moment in 2014. More and more of the fashion's biggest trendsetters are sporting candy colored hair. Kelly Osbourne has been championing lavender locks for a while now, but you already knew that.

    Earlier this year, Nicole Richie took her signature platinum blonde to a beautiful lavender, and then a silvery light blue.

    The newly reinvented Kesha has also worked her way through just about every pastel color imaginable, all in record time, while judging this season of Rising Star.

    Everywhere you look, people are showing you how to achieve pastel hair, whether you want to take it for a temporary spin with hair chalk or extensions, or totally commit with a permanent dye job. There are a ton of methods when doing it yourself, and just as many things to keep in mind when you're getting it done by a professional.

    However, what nobody is talking about is how to maintain the pastel once you've achieved it. The perfect candy hair color that you spent all that time and money on can be gone with one poorly executed shower, or the use of one wrong hair product.

    I've had pastel hair for over a year now, so I know a thing or two about the right and wrong ways to care for your color treated hair.

    I've tried every technique, every product, and every trick in the book when it comes to preserving those beautiful light colors. Here are the steps you need to hang on to your pastel hair for as long as possible.

    1. Don't wash your hair

    I KNOW, I know. But you'll get used to it. I promise.

    Like, don't even get it wet.

    It may sound gross, but hear me out. We're not supposed to be washing our hair every day anyway, as shampooing strips our hair of essential oils that keep it healthy and, more important, looking great. Have you ever noticed how your hairstyle looks better the second day? You have your natural oils to thank for that.

    Understand that with every wash, you're going to be fading your color. Some colors fade faster than others, depending on what shade and brand of color you used. Try spacing out washing your hair a couple more days than you normally would. Some people can go three days, some can go a full week depending on lifestyle and environment. Figure out what works for you.

    2. When you must wash your hair...use cold water

    Washing your hair in cold water can seem like torture, and it is, especially in the winter months. Washing with hot water is the fastest way to pull color out of your hair, and since the color you're working with is already light, you don't want to expedite the process of fading or dulling it. It's a pain to wash in cold, but five weeks later when your lavender is going strong and you're still getting compliments, it will be worth it.

    3. Use color-friendly hair products

    A no-brainer? Maybe. But you can't let just anything touch your precious hair!

    When you absolutely must give your hair a good wash, make sure the shampoo products you're using aren't going to strip your hair of color. Lines like Redken's Color Extend will help you preserve color and give your hair high shine without breaking the bank.

    Pureology's Nanoworks is worth the investment if you're looking to moisturize and strengthen your hair to help prevent breakage, which is especially helpful if you've damaged your hair during the coloring process.

    Herbal Essences Color Me Happy is great if you're looking for an inexpensive drugstore option that will keep your color looking fresh and vibrant.

    A great DIY method to ensure that your color stays true is to mix a bit of your color with your shampoo and conditioner. This customizes your favorite hair products and helps you freshen up your color while you wash!

    Protip: Davines Alchemic Shampoos and Conditioners are formulated with natural pigments for intensifying natural hair colors, and are great secret weapons for pastels.

    The Alchemic Conditioner for Reds is bright pink, and if you apply it over white, blonde, or light pink hair for 10-15 minutes, it will give you fantastic bubblegum pink hair that lightens up and washes out in just a handful of washes. The Alchemic Conditioner for Silver does the same for lavender, blues, and silvers. That's our little secret.

    4. Leave-In Conditioner

    Chances are, you had to lighten your hair before coloring it. As good as your hair looks, it probably doesn't feel all that great, and there just might be some noticeable split ends and breakage. In order to keep your hair feeling smooth, looking healthy, and taming flyaways, opt for a good leave-in conditioner. In many ways, this is the most important part of the entire cleansing and styling process.

    Living Proof's Instant Repair Cream is sent from heaven above. It's creamy, but not heavy. It smooths hair, hides split ends, and prevents flyaways without weighing your hair down, keeping it looking moisturized and healthy. Just squeeze about a dime-sized drop into your hands and spread through, focusing on the ends, where your hair is the driest. Hair will look and feel incredibly healthy, and it will even help you prolong washing it by another day or two. You'll run your hand through your hair, and when your fingers don't get caught in tangles or break off the ends of your hair, you'll be all...

    5. Dry Shampoo

    Just because you're going a few (or more…) extra days without washing your hair doesn't mean it can't look freshly washed. Dry shampoo is a hair care essential to many people already, but for those dramatically color treated hair, it's a must-have. Starting about the third day after your wash, combat oil buildup by giving your roots a light spray with the dry shampoo, shake through, and you're ready for another day of fresh vibrant color. It's easy to overdo it with dry shampoo, so make sure to start with just a little and let it do its job, adding more only when you need to.

    There are countless dry shampoos out there, most of which give you pretty awesome results. A personal favorite is TRESemme's line of dry shampoos.

    They're inexpensive and work just as well as the leading salon brand. They absorb any excess oil without any grimey building, so your hair will still feel clean, even if it's been more than a couple of days since the last wash.

    How do you keep your color treated hair looking vibrant? Do you have a hair product that you can't live without? Tell me in the comments!