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    If British political parties were Game of Thrones characters...

    A satirical article in which I draw only the loosest conclusions and logical links I want to, in view of getting a laugh or a Retweet.

    Conservatives: Tommen Baratheon

    Labour: Stannis Baratheon

    SNP: Jon Snow

    Liberal Democrats: Daenerys Targaryen

    UKIP: Balon Greyjoy

    Plaid Cymru: Doran Martell

    Green: Tyrion Lannister

    SDLP, DUP & UUP: Mance Rayder, Styr and Tormund Giantsbane

    Sinn Féin: Jamie Lannister

    RESPECT: Petyr Baelish

    Monster Raving Looney: Ramsey Bolton