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    17 Tips Any Good Holiday Party Guest Should Know

    Don't assume you can bring a plus-one, y'all.

    1. Always RSVP — even on Facebook.

    2. Don't assume you can bring a plus-one (or, like, plus-eight).

    3. Show up on time.

    4. Give a lil' gift to the host.

    5. Make an easy no-cook dish.

    6. Bring ice!!!

    7. Learn how to make one excellent drink.

    8. Keep a deck of cards in your bag, just in case.

    9. Or, bring a game like Jenga or Cards Against Humanity.

    10. Put your phone away.

    11. I'm sorry, but...mingle.

    12. And if you know that someone there is only friends with the host, make an effort to include them.

    13. Just, you know, be kind.

    14. Bring your own containers for leftovers.

    15. Don't overstay your welcome.

    16. Offer to help clean up.

    17. And don't leave without thanking the host.

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