18 Things About The Midwest You Can't Even BEGIN To Understand Unless You've Lived There

    We really love our corn.

    1. Ominous billboards:

    2. The word "ope":

    *midwesteener hits a curb* “Ope” *hits 2 curbs* “Ope. Ope.” *hits a pothole* “I’m so sorry car”

    3. And this oh-so polite exchange on constant loop:

    midwest culture is that subtle “ope, sorry!” when someone bumps into you on the street. followed by “oh, no, yeah, you’re fine!!” tell me i’m wrong.

    4. Wednesdays, my dude:

    5. Setting down your pop to play a round of cornhole:

    Let’s clear up some things: 1. It’s cornhole not bags 2. It’s pop not soda 3. It’s walking taco not taco in a bag

    6. This phrase — why do we all know this phrase?

    If you don't know what "knee high by the Fourth of July" means, you probably aren't from around here.

    7. Being *this* serious about your ranch:

    ┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we support ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & appreciate ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ ╱ Ranch dressing ____ ╲ ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔

    8. Especially on pizza:

    You know your in the Midwest when they put ranch in the pizza aisle

    9. Eating corn often enough to justify owning corn on the cob holders:

    My daughter calls corn on the cob holders “corn chargers” and I think we should just let 2 year olds name everything from now on.

    10. And also owning one of these:

    A Yellow Submarine butter spreader is the best thing to happen to corn http://t.co/2Nf9vdgvRf

    11. Ignoring tornado warnings:

    Weatherman: There is a tornado warning, get to shelter and stay safe, do NOT go outside to try and see it Folks from Midwest on the front porch:

    12. But respecting the ~drama~:

    I hate earthquakes very much. I am a good midwestern girl and TORNADOES are the proper way to receive the wrath of god

    13. Whatever is going on here:

    14. Suffering through every weather extreme:

    15. And never knowing how to dress for the day:

    Welcome to Ohio: Winter is at 6 am Spring starts at 10 am Summer is at 2 pm And fall starts around 4:30ish Dress accordingly

    16. The constant rivalry over who has the best corn:

    17. And being a liiiiittle too familiar with corn fields:

    18. Finally, did I mention ominous billboards?