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"Family Feud" Actually Asked 100 Women Each Of These Questions — Can You Guess What They Said?

Why do they ask so many questions about men?

Each of these games is an actual question from Family Feud that only women were surveyed for. Each question has four to eight top answers. Once you start typing, you'll have three minutes to guess all the top answers for that question. Good luck!

What's your husband's best physical feature?

Image credit: CBS

Fill in the blank: A girl can always use more what?

Image credit: CBS

Name an animal that has better grooming habits than some men you've met.

Image credit: CBS

Based on his personality, what kind of meat is your man?

Image credit: CBS

If your man were a stripper, which one of the Seven Dwarfs' names might his stage name be?

Image credit: CBS

Name something you'd have to get used to if you married a pirate.

Image credit: CBS

Name a way you like both desserts and your men.

Image credit: CBS

Tell me a reason you might suspect the guy you're dating is a werewolf.

Image credit: CBS

Sometimes your husband acts like his brain is the size of what fruit?

Image credit: CBS

Give me one word you'd use to describe the last kiss your man gave you.

Image credit: CBS