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If You Can Get Even Half The Top Answers To These 10 "Family Feud" Questions, You're A Genius

Playing with your actual family might make it easier, but it could also make it harder.

Each of these games is an actual question from Family Feud that has four to eight top answers. Once you start typing, you'll have three minutes to guess all the top answers for that question. Good luck and feel free to ask your family for help!

Name something a mother might pick out for her adult son:

If they made a Judge Judy doll, name something it might come with:

Name something that parents can't wait for their children to get out of:

Name a place you'd hate to find toenail clippings:

Name an American city where they know how to party hard:

Name something you associate with camels:

If Steve Harvey were your neighbor, name something of his you might ask to borrow:

Name a place you'd hate to spend even one night:

Name something you'd hate to have happen while you're taking a bath:

Name something of your wife's you like to wear because it's so soft: