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Here Are 10 Real "Family Feud" Questions, And I Bet You Can't Guess Even Half Of The Top Answers

"Name a good place to go when you want to cry," hits a little too close to home.

Each of these games is an actual question from Family Feud that has four to eight top answers. Once you start typing, you'll have three minutes to guess all the top answers to that question. Good luck!

Name something in your refrigerator that you should thank a cow for.

Image source: ABC

Name something kids just love to jump on.

Image source: ABC

Name a weather condition that would be a good name for a wrestler.

Image source: ABC

Name a place that's filled with people who don't want to be there.

Image source: ABC

Name something specific that has a long neck.

Image source: ABC

Fill in the blank: Tongue ______.

Image source: ABC

Fill in the blank: Having a bird poop on you is bad, but imagine how much worse it would be if ______ could fly.

Image source: ABC

Name a good place to go when you want to cry.

Image source: ABC

Name a word a dog understands.

Image source: ABC

Tell me a country where you think the men are sexier than American men.

Image source: ABC