28 Controversial Movie Opinions That Deserve To Be Heard, Too

    Mean Girls ruined the way a whole generation saw high school.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community for their most unpopular movie opinions. Here are the mind-blowing results:

    1. "In Titanic, I actually always get friends vibes between Jack and Rose."

    Jack and Rose

    2. "Inception is neither confusing nor mind-blowing."

    "In fact, I think it's an incredibly straightforward movie that explains the different dream layers out very plainly. And the visuals are neat and all, but it's really just a slightly-more-creative-than-usual heist film. I don't usually like using the word 'overrated' but if any movie is overrated, it's Inception. It's not a masterpiece."


    3. "[The beginning of] Up isn’t sad."

    Ellie and Carl

    4. "I thought Sleepless in Seattle was not at all romantic."

    "They never even speak to one another until the very end. Even the response to Annie's letter saying to meet at the Empire State Building was from the little kid who's basically catfishing her."


    5. "Mamma Mia! is an awful story with awful music and Meryl Streep."

    Meryl Streep in "Mamma Mia!"

    6. "Napoleon Dynamite has zero plot and is not funny or entertaining."

    "I've seen better movies made that are 'indie' or off the beaten path. Give American Fable a try before you rewatch Napoleon."


    7. "Jasmine [from Aladdin] is way too good for that lying deadbeat Aladdin."

    Jasmine and Aladdin

    8. "Home Alone 3 was the only realistic one [in the franchise] and made actual sense."

    "It wasn't my personal favorite but I never felt the urge to call social services either."


    9. "The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie while Empire Strikes Back is the worst."

    10. "I didn’t think Hereditary was scary at all."

    "A little sad and boring, but not scary."


    11. "Allie and Noah's relationship in The Notebook is incredibly toxic and codependent."

    Allie and Noah

    12. "The Princess Bride is not that funny."

    "The first time I saw it, I was distantly entertained at best and every viewing after that has gotten progressively more boring. I can't pick out anything in particular about it that makes it especially terrible except that everything is mediocre."


    13. "I adore musicals. I despise Grease."

    Sandy and Danny in "Grease"

    14. "300 is the biggest pile of tosh. It would be 30 minutes long if all the goddamn slo-mo was cut out."


    15. "Frozen has a questionable/super-boring plot and 'Let It Go' is not the best song in the movie."

    Elsa in "Frozen"

    16. "Bridesmaids is nearly unwatchable."

    "I was forced to sit through it twice during two different girls’ nights and it just...ugh. And I LOVE stupid comedies, especially stupid comedies with Melissa McCarthy. But Bridesmaids didn’t make me laugh. It just made me bored. Melissa McCarthy with the puppies was pretty much the only redeeming factor of that movie."


    17. "I hated La La Land. I found the singing horrible and the acting boring."

    "La La Land" screenshot

    18. "Cast Away starring Tom Hanks was honestly the most boring movie ever made."

    "I don't get why everyone loves it."


    19. "Harry was the worst character in the Harry Potter franchise."

    Harry Potter

    20. "Wonder Woman is a great example of female empowerment in cinema but it's not a good movie."

    Ares from "Wonder Woman"

    21. "Love Actually is a terrible movie. None of the couples are worth rooting for and some of the things that people see as 'romantic' (like holding up the cards) are actually awful."

    Mark holding a card that says, "And my wasted heart will love you"

    22. "Mean Girls and other teen movies like it completely warped my perception of what high school should be like."

    "Mean Girls" scene

    23. "The Blair Witch Project is as dull as an unsharpened pencil."

    "My dad rented it once and, after watching only 15 minutes, I had to turn it off. So blah."


    24. "Dirty Dancing is NOT a good movie!"

    "Dirty Dancing" scene

    25. "Quentin Tarantino movies are unnecessarily violent."


    26. "I absolutely hate The Nightmare Before Christmas."

    Jack Skellington

    27. "The Birds is Hitchcock's weakest film."

    "I've watched a lot of Hitchcock and The Birds is so average and uninteresting compared to some of the really good ones that are hardly talked about. It did introduce a new horror concept but that's about it."


    28. "A Star Is Born was a major disappointment."

    Ally from "A Star Is Born"

    Do have an unpopular opinion about a popular movie? Let us know in the comments!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.