Leslie Jordan Is Going Viral For Documenting His Quarantine And Every Video Is A Masterpiece

    The 64-year-old is the hero the world needs right now.

    Is it just me or does everything feel upside down due to the coronavirus pandemic?

    The one bright spot I look forward to during this time is watching Leslie Jordan's Instagram videos where he documents his quarantine, because let me tell you, they're truly hysterical:

    He's showing us how he prepares his quarantine meals, while sharing stories about his former nightclubbing days in New York City:

    He's discussing hot topics, like sex during the pandemic and masturbation, for those of us who are single and socially distancing right now:

    He's singing fabulous tunes from his one-man show, specifically this one called "Ain't No Queers in Heaven":

    And introducing us to his cat, Miss Callie, who might be blind:

    He's impersonating Sia while singing Lizzo, because it's the one mashup we never knew we needed:

    He's showing us his tricks to staying fit at home...

    And, of course, his fitness routine includes baton twirling!

    The best part about all his "exercise" is that he gets to eat whatever he wants, d'oh.

    He's looking after insects and reminding us all to be kind:

    And sharing funny stories about his famous costars, like this one about Betty White:

    Or this one about George Clooney, which had my sides hurting from laughing:

    He's rapping Tupac lyrics:

    And celebrating the milestone of reaching 1 million Instagram followers!

    Well, shit, I just love him. 😉❤️ Thanks for keeping me and the rest of us — 1.3 million followers, to be exact — entertained during this time, Leslie!!!