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    15 Things To Do Alone If You Ever Get The Chance

    Honestly, we should never go to the movies with other people.

    A recent Life Pro Tip on Reddit said, "Learn to do — and enjoy — things by yourself. You're going to miss out on a lot of fun if you keep waiting for someone else to accompany you," and the comments had a bunch of great ideas for solo activities. Here are some of the best ones:

    1. Go to the movies:

    2. Go to an amusement park:

    3. Travel around the world with the best companion — you:

    4. Take yourself out to dinner:

    5. Check out the concert for that band you've always wanted to see perform live:

    6. Or, if you're really into music, go to a festival solo:

    7. Learn a new sport or activity:

    8. Go for a hike:

    9. Explore a museum or exhibit:

    10. Get to know your city like a tourist would:

    11. Sign up for a dance class:

    12. Head out on a meditation retreat:

    13. Volunteer for a cause you feel passionate about:

    14. Get a ticket to a play or musical:

    15. Or just hop on a bicycle and go for a ride:

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