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11 Really Simple Things That'll Actually Help You Fall The Fuck Asleep

From melatonin gummies to a miracle microfiber pillow.

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I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been able to fall asleep the second my head has hit the pillow.

1. Chewing one of these sleep gummies an hour before I want to go to bed.

2. And then turning down the lights to a mellow glow.

3. Putting my phone away and actually not picking it up until I wake up.

4. Lighting a candle that smells nice and makes me feel like I'm in a fancy spa.

5. Making a cup of this decaffeinated herbal tea.

6. Setting a time limit for reading.

7. Putting a few drops of lavender essential oil on my wrists right before getting into bed.

8. Listening to guided sleep meditations as I lie in bed.

9. Or when I'm not in the mood for that, tuning in to the Sleep With Me podcast.

10. Putting on a sleep mask to block out any any and all light.

11. And finally, investing in a good microfiber pillow.

Slumber Party is a series of content about the products and rituals that help us get the rest we deserve. You can find more posts like this one here.

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