The Best Sketch From Will Ferrell’s “SNL” Episode Was Actually This One About High School Theater That Was Cut From The Show

    SNL cast members breaking character > everything else.

    Will Ferrell returned to the Saturday Night Live stage to host this past weekend and it was, as you could probably guess, very good and funny.

    And while the whole episode was truly a joy to watch (see: "2020 Democratic Debate"), I wanna talk about one of the sketches that actually didn't make it to air.

    It's called "Cast List" and was cut for time. It's also exactly the kind of cuckoo bananas thing I want from SNL.

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    The scene opens a group of high school students anxiously waiting for their drama teacher to post the cast list for the musical.

    Will plays the drama teacher who is 1) eccentric, 2) hardcore, and 3) a little iconic.

    As soon as he leaves the students alone, the sketch really takes a ~chaotic~ turn.

    Kyle Mooney clearly cannot handle the ridiculousness of it all.

    The teacher then makes a return and begins asking the students personal questions to find out who deserves which part.

    But then it's revealed the show is already cast.

    And it's at this point when the cast really, really loses it.

    Meanwhile, Kyle, Mikey Day, and Bowen Yang are clearly employing the "hide behind another cast member so people don't see you're breaking character" tactic*.

    Kenan Thompson and Kate McKinnon make hilarious appearances as the show's choreographer and tech director, respectively, who must initial the cast list before the students can check it out.

    In the end, utter chaos breaks out.

    It's just so, SO good and I'm obsessed. Thank you to SNL for this cut for time gift.

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