21 Problems Only People In Vancouver Understand

    "Is the city in despair... or film set?"

    1. You've had to deal with extreme cold and extreme heat. Within days. Or even within the same day.

    Sun and hail again?! Vancouver weather what is up with you?

    Vancouver weather is the reason why i have trust issues

    2. But whether it's hot or cold, there is one consistent climate in Van City: rain.

    3. Which means you often have this to look forward to all week:

    4. You are always prepared, because even when it's not raining, it probably will.

    Weather report says sun. Look out window. Throw sunglasses and an umbrella in purse. That's Vancouver, yo.

    5. You understand there's a Vancouver Lululemon stereotype, but you are undoubtedly devastated when your favourite errand-running pair are ruined.

    6. Yeah yeah, and you know the other big stereotype you've been associated with: Hipsters. Hippy hipsters.

    I wish I was hipster enough to develop a gluten allergy. #vancouverproblems

    7. (But you may or may not have been guilty of referring to a bike as a "fixie")

    8. The most first world Vancouver problem might be deciding which sushi spot to go to.

    9. The second is probably complaining about the city's bike lanes.

    #vancouverproblems @CityofVancouver "@ianb: Cyclists are really appreciating new bike lane @mayorgregor: "

    10. The mayor is most likely more handsome than your boyfriend.

    11. No one else in this world will quite understand how hardcore fog can be.

    12. You know that suede shoes are worn scarcely and ever-so strategically.

    13. Vancouver is the only place on Earth where you can find beautiful green landscapes on a sunny afternoon COMPLETELY COVERED IN SNOW.

    14. Wreck Beach: having a nudist escape can be a liberating, but often, er, scarring, experience.

    15. Your neighbours growing weed is a hilarious and completely legitimate reality.

    Snapchats from my sister @vancouverprob

    16. You've had to dodge potheads and weed sales on your lunch break during the annual 4/20 Vancouver festival.

    17. You've also had to reroute your commute to work because it's been interrupted by a film shoot.

    Now I can't get back to the office because they started filming something on my way back? :| #Vancouverproblems

    18. Which also means you can never quite tell if your city has actually been destroyed, or you just walked on another movie set...

    19. At one point or another, you've been adamant about distinguishing yourself from* a Torontonian.

    20. Because as many grievances as you might have with the city and/or its extremely temperamental weather...

    21. Vancouver is one of the most beautiful and the downright best f***ing place on Earth.