This Video Of Canadian Caribou Stuck Drifting On Ice Is Pretty Heartbreaking

    Just Caribou life in Canada I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

    Facebook user Madison Makayla Lord posted a video of clusters of caribou stranded in a river in Yukon, Canada on Wednesday night.

    It shows dozens of caribou adrift in the water after ice began breaking in Porcupine River.

    The video is going viral in Canada, with some people in awe of the spectacle while others fear for their safety.

    Madison's mom, Dayna, who shot the video, says it's inevitable this time of the year, and there's not much that can be done.

    "Yeah a lot of people feel bad, but it's just something that happens every year," she told CBC News.

    Dayna witnessed some of the caribou jumping into the subzero water to get to land.

    This might be the most Canadian thing that ever Canada'd, but we sincerely hope all the caribou safely got to shore!
