Teens On Tumblr Are Obsessed With This Fucked Up Canadian Kids Show

    [licks cucumber] It me.

    For those lucky enough to not know, Nanalan' was a Canadian children's show about a three-year-old green, beady-eyed girl. The show later aired in the U.S. (So for that we're sorry, America).

    Anyway, in a nutshell, the show was simultaneously disturbing and hilarious. (Disturbing if you were a child in the '90s, and hilarious if you are high right now.) Almost two decades after it aired, it continues to be rediscovered by teens on the internet. For good reason. And they just will not let it die.


    Because it really does beg of Canada and CBC: HOW DID THIS SHOW EVEN HAPPEN?

    @ The creators: Were you fucking with us?

    Were you on something...? It's OK, it's safe space now for any admissions.

    Because it would certainly give us some answers to some very open-ended questions, like:





    Who did this.

    But one thing's for sure: The devil is not a lie. It's taken on the form of a small toothless peanut.

    That 100% does not know how to eat cheese and crackers.

    We would say "that's enough internet for the day..."

    Except this actually aired on public television.